Well I started on my icarus and I'm a bit worried.
Number one, I seem to have already screwed up. A few times. Well, not bad screw ups, but I seem to have twisted some stitches in the stockinette portion and they are screaming at me! And I am not so good at the dropping back to un-twist.
But my real worry is the boredom factor. I'm afraid making these rows is gonna put me to sleep. Of course I guess it's nice to be able to knit lace while watching Lost.
Oh and yeah. Hi! I'm Corrina (rincaro). My icarus is being worked on size 3 crystal palace needles in misti alpaca. Color #8105 which is listed as Periwinkle Blue. It's actually a very pale blue with hints of silver and lilac. But it's pretty. Reminds me of angel wings.
If it's really going to bother you to have those twisted stitches, just drop one stitch down and crochet back up. Once you get past the relative trauma of dropping that stitch, you're almost home free! Honest! :) Pretty color!
I can't understand how on row 8 I had 19 st and starting on row one of chart one there are many more. How do I connect?
Help. I can't figure out Icarus already. Emd of forst 8 rows left me with 19 stitches. So how do I start row 1 of chart 1 which has so many more?
If you don't count the YO's (but count each ssk ir k2tog as 2 stitches)in Row 1 of Chart 1 you will find that 19 stitches are needed to complete the row.
Hope this is useful.
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