I am so excited to be a part of this KAL! At the end of the summer, I got back in to knitting and Icarus was what got me back! It was part of a "get-back-to-the-real-me-post-break up" process of being single again. I had never done anything from a pattern, and certainly had never done lace. Now i'm hooked! I have really gotten in to knitting and even get paid to knit by a designer now! Please check out more on my blog, I would love some comments and ideas! So here is my Icarus so far. I have had to divide my attention among more projects lately, so progress has slowed, but I still am loving it. I am in the middle of the 3rd repeat. I am knitting with Kid Merino Crystal Palace Yarn Color:4670 Lot: E0065348. It is very nice to knit with, and I have had my share of mistakes. I actually had to start over after the first repeat because I made a mistake that just kept growing and growing. I have really gotten in to a rhythm and this has been a challenge but a GREAT learning process. Thank you, Miriam, for such a wonderful pattern. So here is my Icarus in a pale green.